The Merindas - image by Jacinta Keefe Photography.

2023 Connecting Places Halls Touring Program

Welcome to our 2023 Program!

Do you want to bring incredible shows to your regional town? Do you have access to a small hall (or similar) where you could host them? 

Connecting Places is a performing arts touring program tailored to small halls and other community-run spaces. This program offers a range of productions for volunteer groups that want to present live performances in their communities, also known as community presenters. Scroll down to view what’s on offer for 2023 touring!

In addition to the range of productions available for booking, Connecting Places provides exciting learning opportunities for community presenters including workshops, mentorships, one-on-one support, and other forms of professional development.

Regional Arts Victoria recognises the important role that community presenters play in the wellbeing and vitality of regional communities. Connecting Places aims to support these groups to program high quality and affordable shows that appeal to their communities and to learn sustainable presenting skills. 

Feel free to get in touch or visit our website for more information. We look forward to working with you!

Nikki Ralston
Connecting Places Coordinator

[email protected]

More about the program

New to Connecting Places and want to put a show on in your venue? Here is our usual cycle for supporting community presenters to book touring productions from Regional Arts Victoria. If you’re interested in booking a show, please get in touch – we’ll talk you through things in more detail and go from there!

Here are the community presenters that regularly book shows from us. We work with hall committees, volunteer-managed arts organisations, neighbourhood houses, local councils, independent performance venues and more!

Our touring artists can tour with their own equipment and technician, which means you don’t need to worry if your venue doesn’t have much gear or skilled techs in your area. In each of the production listings, you’ll see that technical equipment is offered for an additional $500 with your booking. If you opt-in for the Technical Equipment Package, the artists will tour with the equipment they need, set it up, operate it and pack it down when they arrive at your venue.  

Throughout the year, we offer FREE in-person and online workshops, as well as other targeted programs like mentorships to support you and your committee to build sustainable presenting skills. When you book with us we also offer a handy Community Presenter booklet to refer to when presenting live shows. Tailored to community presenters, it include topics such as marketing, technical planning, volunteer management, and strategic programming, among others. You can also access our webinar recordings from previous workshops. Visit our website to access these resources.

You can contact us for general advice or more specific support in relation to presenting shows at
your venue. Reach out and we’ll do our best to help you!

If you’d like to receive updates or learn more about what other halls are doing across the state, we encourage you to join our Community Presenter ENews.

2023 Connecting Places Tours

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