RAV in Residence

RAV in Residence is a partnership between Regional Arts Victoria and RAV Member Organisations or regional Local Government Authorities (LGAs), providing the opportunity for local creatives to book a one-on-one conversation with Regional Arts Victoria staff, and the delivery of creative networking, forum or workshop events in communities.

2024 RAV in Residence Events

If you’re a regional Victorian creative or creative organisation, these are for you. Choose an event below to book.

Next events coming in 2025, check back later

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Information for Partners

We can tailor the program to suit your needs, but typically we facilitate the following events for your creative community:

  • A series of private 1-on-1 meetings with RAV staff, made by reservation
  • A Network & Nibble event for up to 30 creatives and partner guests
  • A visit to a local venue who is interested in supporting the arts
  • Optional: Facililate an information session on topics relevant to your community e.g. funding and grant advice, marketing 101 and more.

RAV will:

  • Organise and conduct the sessions
  • Market the event to our network (RAV Members will have the opportunity to make early bookings)
  • Provide you with marketing material for promotion to your communities and networks
  • Manage bookings
  • Meet with a RAV Member Organisation in the local area (within the LGA if possible)
  • Survey participants
  • Send you an evaluation after the event so you are able to report on fulfilling strategic objectives.

The LGA to cover costs* such as:

  • Venue hire of suitable meeting rooms and networking space
  • Accommodation
  • Catering
  • Staff travel costs and time.

*Cost are negotiable depending on the choice of delivery, but are typically around $3,000-$4,000 ex GST

Lead times

Detailed events with guest speakers and multiple venues take a little longer to coordinate, whereas single events with RAV Staff speakers need less lead time. Please get in touch to discuss your event as soon as possible as some events have a lead time of at least 2 months.

If you would like to have a conversation about how RAV in Residence will increase creative activity in your community, please contact Nell Ustundag, Membership Engagement Coordinator, 1300 882 531 or by email: [email protected]


RAV in Residence was the initiative that has helped me reach out for assistance, to realise my artistic goals. Their support so far has been tremendous.

– Attendee, 2023
People talking in a gallery
Image: 2023, Attendees at Network & Nibbles, supported by Moorabool Shire Council.

The questions to a stranger was a great way to get people networking.

– Attendee, 2023
Image: 2023, Nancy Sluga, of Sluga Gallery, hosted Network & Nibbles, supported by Indigo Shire

We have gained greater clarity about the structure of the 2 arts groups we are involved in (same people), and the possibilities to operate more effectively.

– Attendee, 2023
Image: 2023. Bec Grech, RAV, and Linda Purves, Moorabool Shire Council mingling with creatives

Previous RAV in Residencies

Tallarook in partnership with the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal, with support from Mitchell Shire and Tallarook Arts – 2024

Moira Shire Council – 2024

Central Victoria: City of Greater Bendigo, Mount Alexander Shire Council & Moorabool Shire Council – 2024

Warrnambool Build Up, Reach Out funded by Fletcher Jones Family Foundation – 2024

Moorabool Shire Council – 2023

Indigo Shire Council – 2023

Strathbogie Shire Council – 2022/2023

YAVA Gallery & Arts Hub – 2021

Shepparton (Shepparton Festival) – 2021

MiRA (Marysville Information + Regional Artspace) 2020

Thank you to our partners and supporters

Strathbogie Shire Council Logo
Moorabool Shire Council Logo
Indigo Shire Council Logo