Creative Leadership Program Participants - image by Pamela Reid.

Creative Leadership Program

Last updated on July 10th, 2023 at 03:28 pm

Investing in the creative leaders of tomorrow, Regional Arts Victoria’s Creative Leadership Program took 12 emerging arts leaders (selected by competitive application) from across regional and remote Victoria and immersed them in a nine-day intensive of workshops, talks and placements.

The 2015 Creative Leadership Program took place from 7 – 15 February 2015.

During the Program our Creative Leaders met with some of the industry’s most influential leaders, attended workshops with arts management experts, collaborated on projects and had the opportunity to pitch their ideas to a real panel of funding bodies, with the potential to deliver their project back in their regional home town.

The most successful pitch was awarded Regional Arts Victoria’s Bridget Lloyd Jones Memorial Prize.

The Bridget Lloyd Jones Memorial Prize, established in 2012, provided seed funding for Creative Leaders to implement an arts project in their community. It was awarded in honour of the late Bridget Lloyd Jones, a former staff member who was the embodiment of a young leader with all of the drive, ambition and innovation that that entails. Bridget was instrumental in setting up the Marysville Big Screen project following the Black Saturday fires and contributed strongly to the Regional Arts Victoria Storyboard project. Her love for the Marysville area developed during the project to such an extent that she was moved to purchase her own block of land there. Tragically, Bridget was diagnosed with cancer in 2010 and passed away in January 2011. The Award honours her memory and allowed young leaders with similar enthusiasm and creativity to enjoy a boost to their careers in the arts.

The 2015 Creative Leadership Program would not have been possible without the generous participation of:

  • 100 Story Building
  • ACMI
  • Artplay
  • Arts Centre Melbourne
  • The Australian Ballet
  • Australian Centre for Contemporary Art
  • ACT Sunburnt History
  • Arts Centre Melbourne
  • Australian Shakespeare Company
  • Barking Spider Visual Theatre
  • Boon Wurrung Foundation
  • Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre
  • Circus Oz
  • Creative Victoria
  • Cultural Infusion
  • Centre Youth Lit, State Library Victoria
  • Darryl Cordell
  • Drama Victoria
  • Emerging Writers’ Festival
  • Express Media
  • Footscray Community Arts Centre
  • fortyfivedownstairs
  • Gasworks Arts Park
  • Ilbijerri Theatre
  • Immigration Museum
  • Ian Pidd
  • Julien Leyre
  • Kultour
  • La Luna
  • Loop Bar
  • Malthouse Theatre
  • Meg Upton, Arts in Sync
  • Melbourne Fringe
  • Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
  • Melbourne Theatre Company
  • Melbourne Festival
  • Melbourne Writers Festival
  • Milkbar Theatre
  • Multicultural Arts Victoria
  • National Gallery of Victoria
  • Nicholas Waxman
  • Opera Australia
  • Platform Youth Theatre
  • Polyglot Theatre
  • Present Tense Ensemble
  • Red Stitch Actors Theatre
  • St Martin’s Youth Arts Centre
  • Secret Melbourne
  • Summersalt Festival
  • SYN Media
  • The Channel | Art Centre Melbourne
  • The Channel Festival
  • Victorian College of the Arts
  • Victorian Opera
  • The Village Festival
  • Westside Circus
  • White Night
  • The Women’s Circus
  • Creative Leadership Alumni