Damon Smith's Piano Palooza at Kind Valley Arts - Photo by Anita Laurence

Info for Venues and Presenters

You’re from a Performing Arts Centre, Venue or are a community presenter (small halls or community-run space) who is interested presenting a show from the RAV Touring Program, welcome!

Our Touring Services program presents high quality productions from a diverse range of artists to venues throughout Victoria and across the nation. Our Connecting Places program includes tours tailored to small halls and other community-run spaces and a skill development program for community presenters.

Get started…

Our program is developed from the presenter interest shown at Showcase Victoria, a State-wide industry event produced by the Victorian Association of Performing Arts Centres in partnership with Regional Arts Victoria each year.

We select tours with a regional lens; we know the audience; we understand the venues. We also select tours which incorporate community involvement and community embedding. Our artists want to spend time in your communities involving them in their arts practice.

We also run a separate Connecting Places EOI process for shows that are suitable for touring to small halls and community-run venues.

We have productions that are ideal for larger spaces such as performing arts centres and mainstage theatres, however we also have shows that can easily find a home in community halls and other unusual small venues. 

We work closely with our presenters to ensure that you have everything you need to present a quality production to your audiences, including:

  • Marketing Strategy Kits
  • Technical set-up specifications and recommendations
  • Artists who are supported and prepared for regional touring
  • Grant support

We tour through our three programs:

  • Touring Services: working with producers and artists to tour their works to Performing Arts Centres around Victoria and across the nation.
  • Connecting Places: connecting with community presenters and touring work to halls across Victoria.
  • Creative Learning: educational arts experiences for children and young people across Victoria.

Across these three programs, Regional Arts Victoria tours performing arts, live music, theatre, circus, workshops and residency-based projects.

If you are a Performing Arts Centre…

Step 1: Select a production from the touring programs below to view details like the synopsis, tech specs, cost, and when the show is available for booking.

Step 2: Contact the touring team to express your interest, ask questions and to discuss dates and show fees.  (link to [email protected])

Step 3: Our tour coordinators will work with you to determine season details such as date, price and bump in, discuss any necessary funding, and confirm the engagement in writing.

Step 4: RAV provides a Marketing Essentials Toolkit for you to update your website and brochures to begin promotion of the show.

Step 5: When all seasons on the tour are confirmed, RAV will send a contract to each presenter on the tour to sign.

Step 6: Lastly, we send you the Marketing Strategy toolkit so you can start to promote the tours to audiences. This includes everything you need for social media and print promotion.

If you are a Community Presenter…

Step 1: Select a production from the touring programs below to view details like the synopsis, tech specs, cost, and how to make a booking.

Step 2: Email Nikki Ralston to register as a community presenter and express your interest in a show/s
<[email protected]>

Step 3: Nikki and the Touring Team will work with you to find suitable dates, price and bump in, discuss any necessary funding, and confirm the season in writing.

Step 4: As a registered Community Presenter, you can also access our Connecting Places skill development program. This program provides exciting learning opportunities including workshops, one-on-one support and other resources for community presenters. It will help you become confident in presenting tours to your community.

Step 5: RAV provides a Marketing Essentials Toolkit for you to update your website and brochures to begin promotion of the show.

Step 6: When all seasons on the tour are confirmed, RAV will send a contract to each presenter on the tour to sign.

Step 7: Lastly, we send you the Marketing Strategy toolkit so you can start to promote the tours to audiences. This includes everything you need for social media and print promotion.



Connecting Places

Our Connecting Places program supports community presenters to develop their skills and present high quality work in small halls and community-run spaces.

2025 Touring Program

Our Touring Services program presents high quality productions from a diverse range of artists across many art forms.

Showcase Victoria

Showcase Victoria is an annual event connecting performers with venues and audiences to build tours and make connections.