Areka Brown | Oneironaut

These artworks represent an incomplete self portrait of the artist’s subconscious mind.

Areka Brown is a Printmaker from Ballarat, Victoria. Inspired by the Surrealist Movement and the theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, Areka’s artworks explore the subconscious mind and often draw inspiration from dreams.

Oneironaut is a term used to describe a person who can travel within a dream on a conscious basis and is derived from the Greek words for dream (oneiros) and sailor (nautes).

Areka Brown | Oneironaut
02 August – 07 September 2024
Special Opening event 5.30pm Friday 02 August. All welcome. FREE

Image: Areka Brown, Yabbies and Eels, Limited edition linocut print

About This Event

When & Where

East Gippsland Art Gallery: 02/08/2024

Presented by:

East Gippsland Art Gallery

Art Form:

Visual Arts

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