Find Funding

Last updated on July 16th, 2024 at 10:56 am

Looking for ways to drum up funding? Aside from our funding targeting regional Victorian creatives and creative organisations, there are many more organisations, government initiatives and private funding avenues to raise funds for your project.

Regional Arts Fund

Regional Arts Victoria administers Regional Arts Fund grants on behalf of the Australian Government via Regional Arts Australia. We have Project Grants and Quick Response Grants.

The Funding Centre

As a Member of Regional Arts Victoria, you are eligible to access the SmartySearch Grants Database powered by the Funding Centre. A subscription for the Funding Centre is available for additional cost directly through them.

Creative Australia

This is the Australian Government’s arts funding and advisory body. They have grants available for projects, professional development, travel and residencies.

Creative Victoria

Creative Victoria is the state government body for the creative industries. They have funding for organisations and individuals.

Local Government

Your local council may have grants available to help fund your creative practice or organisation. Find out which Local Government Area you’re in and visit your council’s website for more information.


The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) has not-for-profit community grants available.

Development Victoria

Regional Development Victoria has community, job, and revitalisation grants that could be relevant to arts organisations.


The National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA) administers grants for visual artists and curators. Is that you?


Grants for music makers and shakers. Also visit for music licensing, copyright and royalties.


Funding for Victorian film, TV and game development in production, professional development and travel.


VicHealth believes in arts & culture for improving health and wellbeing. Sort by ‘Arts and Wellbeing’ for opportunities relevant to you.


There are many crowdfunding platforms out there and a quick browser search should uncover a few. Make sure you review their fees, terms and conditions before selecting which one is right for you.

The Australian Cultural Fund (ACF) is a fundraising platform for Australian artists whereby 100% of the funds raised go to the artist and donators received a tax deduction. It is operated by Creative Australia.