2019 Community Consultation South West

The robust consultation process through 2019 to create the first South West Creative Industries Strategy included:

  • 72 individual or group consultations
  • 1 open survey completed by 139 people over 4-month open online consultation period
  • 14 industry-expert led community events with over 250 attendees
  • 124 existing policy or strategy documents reviewed

RAV partnered with 16 creative organisations to deliver consultations, hear specific community needs and connect creatives with industry leaders, including:

  • Creative Victoria
  • Screenworks
  • Australian Museums and Galleries Association
  • Writers Victoria
  • Regional Arts Australia
  • Multicultural Arts Victoria
  • Express Media
  • The Push
  • Australian Theatre for Young People
  • Design Institute of Australia
  • Australian Fashion Council
  • Arts Access Victoria
  • Circus Oz
  • Ausdance Victoria
  • Arena Theatre Company
  • National Association for the Visual Arts

Image: Permewans, A Wake! artist in residence project led by Trevor Flinn, supported by Southern Grampians Shire and the Regional Arts Fund. Image by Jo Grant.